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Alex Green, M.D.
I am the Directory of Pathology at BioIVT. I Consult and Direct a team of Pathologists in consulting with the Pharmaceutical Industry, Researchers and analysis of tissue for Asterand, Inc. a major private biorepository. As an experienced Hospital Surgical and Clinical Pathologist that has been in practice for 30 years, I bring a level of experience to BioIVT that delivers first in class tissue specimens to meet your research needs. I’m passionate about providing the highest level of pathology analysis and assistance by myself and my team and helping BioIVT to have the highest standards to provide the greatest service we can to you, our customers.
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How to navigate the complex
regulatory landscape when procuring
human biospecimens for research
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How to use in vitro HBV
models to investigate the
efficacy of new drugs
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How we can accelerate
your immunology
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"The most rewarding part of my job is to see clients implementing the in vitro programs we’ve advised on...
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How we ensure you get the product
you need when you need it.
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Navigating microbiome
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How we ensure the tissue you receive
is the right diagnosis with the right data for
downstream analysis
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For me the best part of consulting work is to think about the broad range of solutions we can apply to address our clients’ unique research questions.
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