BioIVT Resources


    Poor-quality specimens result in high failure rates, costing you time and money.

    According to a US survey of National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded cancer researchers, lack of quality biospecimens resulted in 60% of researchers questioning their findings and 81% limiting the scope of their work.1

    What is poor specimen quality costing you?


    Avoid These Hidden Costs by Using a High-Quality Provider

    ASTERAND® Human Tissue samples have had a <1% reported issue rate for over 20 years and 1,000,000 processed samples.

    The ASTERAND® portfolio is well established for its unparalleled quality. We ensure reliable, reproducible results by requiring consistent collection methods and stringent quality control processes.
    ASTERAND Tissue Samples

    1Assessing the need for a standardized cancer Human Biobank (caHUB): findings from a national survey with cancer researchers. Massett HA1, Atkinson NL, Weber D, Myles R, Ryan C, Grady M, Compton C.; 2Simoens et al R&D Costs of New Medicines: A Landscape Analysis Front. Med., 26 October 2021

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