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Identifying the Critical Factors Enabling a
Phenotypic Screen for Small Molecule Activity
Against Plasmodium Parasites Developing in
Primary Human Hepatocytes

Download the presentation to hear Dr. Steven Maher discuss:

  • How his research team developed a 384-well plate-based liver stage antimalarial drug discovery platform.
  • How he first assessed primary hepatocyte lots to determine suitability for Plasmodium
  • Primary cryoplateable human hepatocytes were utilized in a 384-well plate format. (M/F00995-P)
  • Why BioIVT’s INVITROGRO CP is the recommended thawing and plating medium. (Z99029)
  • Why BioIVT is best-in-class in providing large, high-quality human
  • How our expanded availability of high-quality cynomolgus monkey cryoplateable hepatocytes can help scientists develop new medicines for hepatic infectious disease and ADME-Tox research.

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Dr. Steve Maher, Associate Research Scientist,
Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases Department
at the University of Georgia

Dr. Steven Maher is an Associate Research Scientist in the Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases Department at the University of Georgia. His lifelong goal is to contribute to the discovery and development of therapies for infectious diseases. He has a unique background in Plasmodium culture techniques that are applicable throughout the entire lifecycle (blood, mosquito and liver stages), with a focus on genetics, cellular biology and antimalarial drug discovery. He also has experience with complex culture models for hepatocytes. His drug discovery career began in 2008 as a Draper Lab Fellow. Draper Laboratory has a history of developing MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) technology, which was used to develop a liver-on-a-chip to study malaria liver stage invasion. Through this technology, his research team was able to better define the necessary conditions for primary human hepatocyte cultures, a key competent of culturing the liver stages of Plasmodium. His team then developed the first medium-throughput, 384-well plate-based liver stage antimalarial drug discovery platform, and they are currently using this platform to define the first novel, radically curative antimalarial drugs in recent history.

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