In this webinar, Dr. Raju Khatri describes recently published research (Khatri et. al. 2020, JPharmSci) that demonstrates PRH are key regulators of hepatic cytochrome P450 enzyme expression and function. In a model using sandwich-cultured human hepatocytes (SCHH), exposure to PRH significantly increased concentrations of CYP3A4 and other CYPs, resulting in an increase of nifedipine metabolism in a dose-dependent manner.
Download the presentation to hear Dr. Khatri discuss:
- Incorporation of PRH effects on drug metabolism in ADME-Tox studies
- Application of sandwich-culture human hepatocytes (SCHH) for CYP induction studies
- Implications for drug discovery of PRH effects on hepatic disposition
Raju Khatri, MS, PhD, DABT Senior Scientist, BioIVT
Raju Khatri, MS, PhD, DABT, is a Senior Scientist at BioIVT, where he leads design and implementation of in vitro ADME research, with a focus on CYP metabolism. Dr. Khatri earned his PhD in Toxicology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), where he focused on Nrf2-mediated drug resistance due to upregulation of drug metabolizing enzymes and efflux transporters. After receiving his PhD in 2013, he led a cancer stem cell project at the UMB School of Medicine as part of a post-doctoral training. Dr. Khatri’s interest in drug metabolism, toxicity and translational research brought him to UNC Chapel Hill, where he studied the effect of pregnancy-related hormones on the metabolism of antihypertension drugs prescribed to pregnant women.
At BioIVT, Dr. Khatri takes a truly collaborative approach to each sponsored research project he leads. Clients regard Raju as an important member of their teams and appreciate how his broad experience can help them achieve their research objectives from lead selection and optimization to IND submission.